Example service: chat
As part of testing different routing approaches in Irdest, and to showcase the capabilities of the service API/ model we want to create a simple chat service.
The idea behind this service isn't to create a comprehensive chat application, but to create a simple example as to how people can communicate via Irdest, and to create a simple entry point for newcomers to talk to people already using Irdest.
The requirements and development state will be tracked in this issue. Please refer to it in any change set that addresses the chat service.
Design outline
provides a service some encrypted storage, namespaced by user. This means that the service itself doesn't have to manage storage, and can do so via the irdest API.
Apart from that there are two main areas that this service needs to focus on: accepting user text messages and mapping them to irdest-core messages, and managing the state of chat rooms.
Improve irdest-core storage API (#7 (closed)) -
Map service API to irdest-sdk (-) -
Add persistent storage backend to alexandria (#10) -
Create chat service API & SDK library (-) -
Room creation/ update/ deletion logic (#11)